St. James Lutheran Church of Imperial Beach
Mission Statement
We share Christ’s forgiving love through God’s Word
and by serving the community.
866 Imperial Beach Blvd
Imperial Beach, CA 91932
Church Service: Sunday 9:00 AM


St James Upcoming & Ongoing
Church Service Sunday 9:00 am
Bible Study - Sunday 10:30 am
Cub Scouts- 1st 3 Mondays 6:00 pm
Scouts BSA Boy & Girl Troop- 1st 3 Mondays 6:30 pm
Bible Study - Thursday 6:00 pm Zoom
Choir Practice - Sunday 10:30 am
LWML - 1st Tuesday 6:30 pm
Prayer Group - Thursday 9:00 am
Board of Ed - 1st Saturday 10:00 am
Council Meetings- Last Tues 6:30 pm
Knitting for Charities -Wed. 1:30-3:00 pm Room 1
(If you want to do projects at home or have any questions
email Bonnie phreespirit3@gmail.com)
Line Dancing - Tuesday 6:30 pm
Yoga - Thursday 2:30 pm
San Diego Food Bank
Senior Food Box distribution
9:00 am 3rd Wednesday of the month
If it's your first time. You must register.
Saturday 8:00 a.m. Men's Ministry
St James Sheild
Breakfast Meeting at IHOP
​*All activities subject to change*
Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby


St. James
St. James Lutheran Church of Imperial Beach, California, is a church focused on the Gospel. God, through His only-begotten Son Jesus Christ, shows His boundless love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). God's inspired and infallible Word and life-giving Sacraments bring us Christ's great work of salvation, that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to Himself (2 Corinthians 5:19). For us then, the Divine Service becomes more about what God does for us than what we do for Him. Through His Son's shed blood, we receive eternal life. For all this and His abundant, daily blessings, it is truly good, right, and salutary that we should at all times and in all places give thanks to the Lord our God, King of all creation.
St. James is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

619 424-6166 Church-leave a message
866 Imperial Beach Blvd.
Imperial Beach, CA 91932
St. James Lutheran Church of Imperial Beach
Mission Statement
We share Christ’s forgiving love through God’s Word
and by serving the community.